Thursday, June 28, 2018


Making a blog seems to be the thing to do these days. 

          It feels like every time I look for something anything on Facebook or Google I'm directed to another blog. I didn't consider starting one myself because there are so many out in the internet world right now. But I've decided that one of the best ways to share about our little Amelia is through a blog forum. I am frequently mulling over bible verses, singing songs, and learning lessons about all we've been going through the last year and a half. Facebook has been a decent outlet but lately I've felt the need to share more about our journey with Amelia and God's faithfulness in our lives. So thank you for visiting and letting us update you on all that God has been doing in and through us as a family! Also be sure to check out Amelia's story on the top "Story" tab, I've given a brief overview of what has been going on this last year and a half and most of what I post on this blog will piggy back off her story.

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